Windows Live Messenger Translation Bot: MSN翻譯機器人上線
Saturday, February 16, 2008 by Anchi in 資訊應用
Updated: 03-SEP-2008 MSN 第二代翻譯機器人 Robot for Windows Live Messenger
Google的 IM GTalk 早就推出了一堆專門轉換各類語言的機器人,每一個 Gtalk Bot 專司一種語言, 今天發現 Microsoft Windows Live Messenger 也推出了翻譯機器人, 只有一個, ,只需把這個帳號加入成為你的 MSN 聯絡人,馬上就能夠開始有個翻譯官來服侍你.
MSN Translation Bot 翻譯機器人在不同語言應用上的方式有兩步驟
- 先開啟跟 MSN Bot 的聊天視窗(對話框), 然後打聲招呼, 這個招呼的問候語言就表示翻譯的來源Source語言,比如說你打入"你好",表示要將之後所有中文Chinese字句翻譯成英文.
Hello || Oi || Hallo || 你好 || こんにちは || (See blog for more information - - 指定要將英文翻譯成何種語言的代碼
ar - Arabic
zh-chs - Chinese Simplified 翻譯成繁體中文
zh-cht - Chinese Traditional 翻譯成簡體中文
nl - Dutch 翻譯成荷蘭文
fr - French 翻譯成法文
de - German 翻譯成德文
it - Italian 翻譯成義大利文
ja - Japanese 翻譯成日文
ko - Korean 翻譯成韓文
pt - Portuguese 翻譯成葡萄牙文
es - Spanish 翻譯成西班牙文
戰地記者 says:
MT bot prototype says:
Welcome, please wait while I connect to the translation services
MT bot prototype says:
Connected...I currently can translate to/from the following languages:
ar - Arabic
zh-chs - Chinese Simplified
zh-cht - Chinese Traditional
nl - Dutch
fr - French
de - German
it - Italian
ja - Japanese
ko - Korean
pt - Portuguese
es - Spanish
MT bot prototype says:
Please enter the code of the language you would like to use.
戰地記者 says:
MT bot prototype says:
Got it... Now, please invite the other party to join us, and please remember not to send any confidential information.
戰地記者 says:
happy weekend
MT bot prototype says:
MT bot prototype says:
(en-US,zh-cht) :愉快的週末 <--翻譯的結果
戰地記者 says:
Fuck KMT, Makr Ma (馬英九在美國的名字)
MT bot prototype says:
MT bot prototype says:
(en-US,zh-cht) :性交KMT, Makr Ma
有了這個,戰地記者在跟主管/同事/廠商/客戶/世界各國的政商名流用 MSN 談公事時真是太方便了, 就像找個專屬的即時口譯官一樣.
- Windows Live Messenger Translation Bot
- meraTechPort: Windows Live Messenger Translation Bot
- - Hello: activates the bot to translate from English to any of the available languages (you will be prompted to select one)
- Hallo: activates the bot to translate from German to either English or French (you will be prompted to inform your option)
- Oi: activates the bot to translate from Portuguese to English (no other language is available)
- 你好: activates the bot to translate from Chinese Simplified to English (no other language is available)
- こんにちは: activates the bot to translate from Japanese to English (no other language is available)