ZapMessenger解決MSN Windows Live Messenger重安裝移除的問題
Thursday, November 27, 2008 by Anchi in 資訊應用
如果你跟戰地記者一樣,常需要當實驗白老鼠安裝 Windows Live Messenger Beta 測試版,到最後MSN8.5,MSN9,MSN2009,MSN14…安裝/移除/重裝到整個系統變得怪怪的,說不出的異常狀況,那就用ZapMessenger這個工具徹底修復移除Windows_Live Messenger或是MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger 5.x 之後在重新安裝穩定的版本吧.
官方網站: Solving Messenger install, reinstall and uninstall issues with ZapMessenger
Additionally, in some cases the installer can’t be found in the Control Panel’s Programs applet or has become damaged with a Catastrophic failure (0x8000ffff) error or the Windows Installer is prompting for a missing .msi file which you can’t find anymore.
程式下載Download 106KB: Here