Tuesday, January 15, 2008 by Anchi in 憂國憂民
好不容易形成的兩黨政治,又變成一黨獨大的局面. 加上立法院這幾年來在KMT強力主導下,濫權造成國家民生經濟建設法案的停頓,一切以國民黨奪權為最高指導原則. 看來,不止泛綠及中間選民會害怕回到過去. 連 KMT 及泛藍支持者,反扁反台獨反民進黨的人也因國民黨一慣的權力利益(黨產)鬥爭的腥風血雨而憂心忡忡.
讓這部影片 53秒喚醒大家的赤子之心吧!
Charlie bit my finger - again! (via danielac) — david
K, that’s it then. Looks like I’ll have to marry an English girl (and ignore my children) to give my kids that accent. Not 100% sure why I love this video, but I do. Shows the exploratory innoence and discovery of kids. Also, no kid I know is that mellow, every little kid I’ve met would have retaliated against Charlie.
Reposted from tylerwillis